Alder Avenue & Randall Avenue Street Improvements

BergCM provided the City of Rialto with construction management and inspection services for this dual roadway project along with subconsultant partner, Ninyo & Moore, who provided the City with materials testing services. In conformance with its General Plan and Renaissance Specific Plan Design Guidelines, this $4.5 million construction project reduced traffic blockages on Alder Avenue and Randall Avenue by upgrading traffic signal operations, adding new traffic lanes, sidewalks, new landscape in the medians, additional parking and modifications at a six-points intersection on Randall Avenue. Elements of work are typical for a roadway project with curb and gutter, asphalt paving slurry seal, pcc sidewalk, streetlights, traffic signal modifications, hydrant work, and landscape.
The BergCM team coordinated with Edison, Spectrum, ATT and adjacent developers, and construction projects to successfully relocate utilities and ensure proper traffic control.